This study intends to explore the determinants of AI adoption and its impact on HRM effectiveness in Tanzanian medium enterprises (MEs). With a focus on providing insights for HR professionals and …
The advent of the Industry 4.0 economy has intensified the usage of Business Analytics (BA) as a strategic business tool, but the adoption rate is not equally spread across nations. This study inve…
Sejalan dengan cita-cita Sistem Pembayaran Indonesia tahun 2025 yaitu mengakselerasi keuangan yang inklusi, mengembangkan UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah), efisiensi transaksi dan meningkatka…
Chronicles the strategies of companies--such as Apple Computer, Digital, and Micro Systems--that have successfully competed with IBM, with information on specific tactics used to rob the computer g…
By the mid-1980s, IBM's leadership in computers was under siege, and in fact one of its most respected sites, IBM Rochester (in Minnesota), was in deep trouble. The birthplace of the IBM System/3 a…
An expert's perspective on how competition can make this industry work. There has never been a coherent plan to restructure the electricity industry in the US - until now. Power expert Sally Hunt g…
In this fully updated edition, Murphy provides a new chapter on the Internet and the World Wide Web and offers cogent analysis of how high-tech investing has been affected by the economic turmoil i…
Reveals the tools, tactics and strategies that financial industry executives can use to realign and revitalize their retail banking organizations. The primary focus is on the needs and expectations…
Teknologi informasi berkembang cepat. Teknologi yang berkembang di masa globalisasi memiliki peranan penting dalam kebutuhan masyarakat melakukan aktivitas seperti bidang ekonomi, kesehatan, pendid…
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, industri konstruksi telah mengalami pergeseran menuju keberlanjutan dan inovasi teknologi ramah lingkungan karena keduanya merupakan aspek penting yang fokus pada tuj…