Industri garmen saat ini menghadapi tantangan cukup besar dalam memenuhi permintaan buyer dari luar negeri. Tren fast fashion membuat siklus produksi garmen menjadi lebih pendek dan membuat pabrik …
The aim of this volume is to intorduce the reader to the complexity and variety of strategies and techniques needed to operate in a global world. An international management strategy cannot be succ…
The book on marketing Management to the students of Bachelor of Management Studies. This book is written on the lines of the Syllabus prescribed by the University of Mumbai. Case studies have been …
Focuses on the four essential tasks for transforming a company in a global success: identify market opportunities worldwide and pursue those opportunities by establishing the necessary presence in …
Presents the skills, tactics, styles, and strategies every negotiator needs to compete in the international marketplace. Based on seminars conducted in 22 countries and packed with real-life exampl…
Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengaruh efektivitas event marketing terhadap buying intention produk Speedy Instan. Event marketing merupakan salah satu aktivitas promosi yang dilakukan oleh banya…
Usaha mikro kecil menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia memiliki salah satu kontribusi terbesar terhadap kekuatan ekonomi negara, dimana 99 persen dari total pelaku usaha berasal dari kuadran ini dan jumlah…
Hospitality business today become one of the fastest growing business to support tourism, hence it is viewed by the competition. The objective of this research is to develop marketing plan and mark…
Konsep Fractal Market Hypothesis (FMH) dalam pasar modal muncul sebagai alternatif teori Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) yang mampu menunjukkan kelemahan teori portofolio modern yang mengasumsika…
Kulit merupakan salah satu panca indera yang patut dijaga kecantikannya. Kehalusan dan kebersihan kulit merupakan kebanggaan para wanita. Pond's memberikan solusi mempercantik kulit wanita. Remaja …