Dalam lanskap perkembangan platform pembelajaran digital yang terus berubah, yang ditandai oleh kemajuan teknologi yang cepat dan pergeseran paradigma pendidikan, persepsi dan kepercayaan pelanggan…
Get ready to be an effective digital leader, influencer, disruptor, and catalyst for change in the digital world! As a leader you need to constantly evolve to achieve sustained success. The wo…
Congratulations! You are about to read the splendid new edition of a wonderful, sensible, and simple book that will be a priceless asset to you. If you're thinking about retiring, have decided to r…
Efektivitas pelatihan daring terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan dan kinerja karyawan masih menjadi perdebatan para ahli. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi efektivitas pelatihan daring terhadap peningkata…
Meskipun pentingnya pelatihan diakui, organisasi terkadang kesulitan memahami bagaimana efektivitasnya dihasilkan. Studi ini menyelidiki apakah faktor-faktor pra-pelatihan seperti dukungan organisa…
The strong psychological power of games can have both positive and negative consequences for the workplace. That's why it's important to put them into practice correctly from the beginning--and Ree…
Covers initial training, retraining, the effects of new technology, flexible working practices, labour market deregulation and the wider policy issues. It is a restatement of union activity and com…
The contents of the book are 1. What is informal learning in the workplace? 2. Theorising informal learning 3. Work as a learning environment: unmasking the language of HRD 4. The hidden curric…
"Because the corporate classroom is ultimately concerned about productivity and performance, its goals are apt to be specific, even narrow. Such nontraditional education has an essential place in o…
Praktik manajemen sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan kepemimpinan transformasional dapat meningkatkan keterikatan kerja karyawan. Keterikatan kerja membuat karyawan bersemangat dalam bekerja, berkonsent…