A lively history of ideas, The Myth of the Rational Market by former Time Magazine economics columnist Justin Fox, describes with insight and wit the rise and fall of the world’s most influential…
Islamic Finance has experienced rapid growth in recent years, showing significant innovation and sophistication, and producing a broad range of investment products which are not limited to the comp…
To the layman who wishes to understand modern Islamic financial transactions, this book will prove friendly and helpful. It provides the underlying principles of Shariah financial instruments and p…
A comprehensive examination of Islamic capital markets Taking a comparative approach to the subject, this text looks at the similarities and differences between Islamic capital markets and conve…
A comprehensive look at the essentials of Islamic capital markets Bringing together theoretical and practical aspects of capital markets, Islamic Capital Markets offers readers a comprehensive insi…
For undergraduate courses in Principles of Marketing. Why do students love this book? This is the only book that makes marketing REAL to them by using real people-real marketers. Like most introduc…
The 15th edition of Marketing Management is a landmark entry in the long successful history of the market leader. with the 15th edition, great care was taken to provide an introductory guide to mar…
An applied and practical marketing research text With a do-it-yourself, hands-on approach, Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation illustrates the interaction between marketing research decis…
Konsumen Indonesia telah menunjukkan minat yang meningkat terhadap produk cosmetics termasuk skincare, sehingga meningkatkan persaingan antar cosmetics brands. Untuk melakukan kegiatan promosinya, …
This is the 14th edition of 'Marketing Management' which preserves the strengths of previous editions while introducing new material and structure to further enhance learning. Managerial Orientatio…